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Cloud Hosting

Domain Names Generators

Promotional Email

MemberShip Plugin

Drag And Drop Website Builder


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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the different types of web hosting?

There are 4 main types of web hosting:

  • Shared: Cheapest, good for starters (think shared apartment).
  • VPS: More power than shared (your own space in an apartment).
  • Cloud: Grows with your website (renting in a big building).
  • Dedicated: Most control (having your own house).
What is FTP?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It’s a way to upload and download files between computers on a network. Imagine it like a dedicated courier service for your files.

Which type of hosting is right for me?

Choosing web hosting depends on your website’s size and traffic.

  • Small website, low traffic? Shared hosting is affordable and easy to use.
  • Growing website, moderate traffic? VPS hosting offers more power and control.
  • High-traffic or complex website? Consider cloud or dedicated hosting for scalability and security.
How much bandwidth and storage do I need?

Similar to choosing a hosting plan, the amount of bandwidth and storage you need depends on your website’s size and traffic.

  • Small website, low traffic: Start with a basic plan offering 1GB storage and 3-5GB bandwidth.
  • Growing website, moderate traffic: Opt for plans with 5-10GB storage and 10-20GB bandwidth.
  • High-traffic or complex website: Consider plans with 20GB+ storage and 50GB+ bandwidth, or explore scalable cloud options.
What is a database?

A database is like a giant organized filing cabinet for your computer. It stores information in a structured way, often using tables with rows and columns, so you can easily find and manage it. You can think of it as a collection of related data that’s controlled by special software to keep it organized.

What is wordpress?

WordPress is a popular platform for creating websites. It’s especially beginner-friendly because you don’t need coding knowledge to use it. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Easy to Use: Drag-and-drop editing and pre-designed templates make website creation accessible.
  • Free & Open-Source: You can download and use the basic software for free.
  • Versatile: Suitable for blogs, portfolios, businesses, and even online stores.
  • Customizable: Plugins and themes allow you to personalize your website’s design and functionality.
How do I secure my website?

Here are 3 key ways to secure your website:

  1. Strong Foundations: Use strong passwords, keep your software updated (WordPress, plugins, themes), and choose a reliable hosting provider with security features.

  2. Encryption: Install an SSL certificate to encrypt data transfer between your website and visitors, making it harder for hackers to steal information.

  3. Backups: Regularly back up your website’s files and database. This allows you to restore your site quickly in case of security incidents.

What is email hosting?

Email hosting is like renting out a space specifically for your business emails. Unlike free email services, it lets you have professional email addresses ([email address removed]) and often comes with extra features like increased storage and security.

How do I set up my email with my domain name?

Setting up email with your domain involves:

  1. Choosing an email provider (like Google Workspace).
  2. Creating email addresses using your domain name.
  3. Updating your domain’s settings with MX records (pointing to your provider).
  4. Verifying domain ownership.

It can be technical, but providers often have guides or support to help.

What is a control panel?

A control panel is a user interface that allows you to manage settings and features of various systems. Imagine it like a central hub with dials and buttons to control different aspects of something.